In case you couldn’t guess from the title of this post… Fair warning: It includes gratuitous pictures of people in love, in The Happiest Place On Earth (can I get sued for using that title?).
Fun. Epic. Busy.
That about describes the 2 fantastic days we all got to spend together.. in Disneyland. Melissa and I have been itching to shoot a couple in Disneyland for some time now. Jeremy and Michelle are almost as obsessed with Disneyland as we are! Knowing they had gotten engaged at Disneyland we knew we had to try. We casually (read: not so subtly) mentioned that there was a “strong possibility” we could all hang out at Disneyland, and call it an “Engagement Session.”
We had So. Much. Fun! These two are hilarious!
It was everything we hoped it could be, and BUSY. The park was so packed! We didn’t really expect the park to be as full as it was, but whatever.. We had a blast! The thing I love most about these images is to see Jeremy and Michelle’s honest feelings for each other. They’re just pretty people inside and out… and as you can tell, they just adore each other.
Anyone would be lucky to call these two friends, and after this trip.. We get to. :)
We can’t be more excited for their wedding this November!
PS.. It was tough to work around the crowds, BUT I was able to do a little homage to one of my favorite pictures of Walt Disney. See if you know which one I’m talking about… ;)